⠀fancy meeting you here... yea.. it's me.. the iron beetle... don't mind me, i'm just enjoying this lovely milkshake. would you like a sip? anyways, apparently this is where the cool links go. check them out?


⠀quickest way to make cool wobbly 3d text gifs. it's what i used for my site :3


⠀insanely versatile sprite editor. like actual alchemy. a bunch of the stuff on my site is edited in it!!


⠀internet archive is gigabased for this one, it's pretty much google images for geocities gifs. absolute goldmine!!


⠀cool place with a bunch of css/js/html visual effects!! you can also test your own html/css/js combos before you put them on your page 'w'

um, this is my corner, dont look?